2025 Regular Meetings
The Regular Meetings of the Pingree Grove and Countryside Fire Protection District are hereby scheduled at 5:00pm on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise specified, at the following place:
Fire Station One
10N255 Dittman Road
Plato Township, Illinois 60124
- January 21st
- February 17th Monday
- March 19th Wednesday
- April 15th
- May 21st Wednesday
- June 17th
- July 15th
- August 19th
- September 15th Monday
- October 21st
- November 17th Monday
- December 17th Wednesday
The Regular Meetings of the Pingree Grove and Countryside Fire Protection District Pension Board are hereby scheduled at 4:30pm as listed below, unless otherwise specified at the following place:
Fire Station One
- March 11th
- June 3rd
- September 16th
- December 9th
The Regulsr Meetings of the Pingree Grove and Countryside Foreign Fire Insurance (2%) Board are hereby Scheduled at 9:00a m as listed below, unless otherwise Specified at the following place:
Fire Station One
- January 13th
- March 11th
- May 13th
- July 15th
- September 16th
- November 11th