Throwback Thursday - Jan 25th
By Fire Chief Kieran Stout
January 25, 2024

Throwback to our live fire at 39W130 Plank Rd in 2016. Below, we have some information on how live fire trainings are a vital resource for fire departments.

- Realistic Environment: Live fire training provides an authentic setting where firefighters can experience the dynamics of a fire, including smoke, heat, and unpredictability. This prepares us for the diverse situations we might encounter in the line of duty.

- Effective Decision-Making: Facing a live fire requires quick thinking and strategic decision-making. Training in a controlled yet realistic environment helps us hone these skills, ensuring we can make the right calls when seconds count.

- Team Collaboration: Fighting fires is a team effort. Live fire training fosters teamwork and communication among firefighters, as we learn to coordinate our efforts and support each other in challenging conditions.

- Equipment Familiarity: Interacting with live fires allows us to become intimately familiar with our equipment and gear. This hands-on experience ensures that when the time comes, we can efficiently and confidently use our tools to tackle the flames.

- Building Confidence: There's no substitute for the confidence gained through a live fire. Knowing that we've faced the heat and come out successful in training boosts our morale and prepares us mentally for the real deal.